Sunday 27 October 2013

Surfing Internet ..... a part of my life ....

Assalamualaikum . this time i want to straight to the point , my next hobby is surfing internet . Today , who did not know about internet sorry to say its likes outdated because 80% of the system using internet . Yes ! i agreed that internet can conneting people . I also can get more information and knowledge from internet . No doubt , internet have bad effects but every single thing in this world have good and bad effects . It's depand on you using the internet . In fact , most of system of education using internet now . Honestly , i'm using internet most to my entertainment . if i can give percentage , 30% of them i'm using for education . rest of them i'm using to facebooking , youtube , live streaming of football . I often to visit blog beautifulnara . hahahahaha . it's just for fun and take knowlegde about selebrity .

Besides , from using internet , i using internet as my teacher to solve my problem about laptop such as how to format laptop or get the security to avoid virus . For phone , i'm using mobile data , easy for me to connecting with my friends by using whatsapp , wechat , instagram and twitter . thanks for reading !

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