Wednesday 30 October 2013

Mat Luthfi ..... A famous amos Vlogger .....

Assalamualaikum ... today i would like to talk about Mat Luthfi . I believed that most of you knew him . Who is that Mat Luthfi ? honestly i am not know him in details . but Mat Luthfi is a Vlogger . A famous Vlogger . no 1 in Malaysia . Vlogger ? another question to answer ... hehehehe . Vlogger is someone using video to give information or his/her idea .  He was graduated from Curtin University , Perth , Australia .

Someone said that his has many followers because his face like k-pop . For me , his appearance not important , but i am salute with his idea . Every video he made come with moral value and motivation . I think he can be great director . He deserve to get my RESPECT !

When talk about moral value , sometimes his video make us like sarcasm . but in content of polite . He is 'PAK LAWAK' . why i said like that ? because each video Mat Luthfi will insert element of joke . makes me not boring to watching his video for second or third time . He also good actor because he can bring any character . He can be girl , father , mother , oldman . Even he futher his study at oversea but he still using his mother tongue is Kedah's accent . Mat Luthfi , keep it up bro ! Don't Stop make great and motivate videos . ok ! thanks reading my blog .


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