Saturday 26 October 2013

Music and me . oh so sweet .

In this entry , i'm going to telling you about MUSIC . What is meaning of music ? i think this is a subjective question . everybody has their own answer . for me , music is a medium to release my tension and release my boring and my taste in music changes through time . When i was a young , i have exposed with Raihan's music . Alhamdulillah , from that music , i can get knowledge from their lyrics of islamic ways . My dad bought me Raihan's album (PUJI-PUJIAN) . i can bet everybody know about this album because this album very popular and easy to remember their lyrics .

When i enter primary school , my friends exposed me by english's music . honestly , i do not know every single thing what is singer said because my english is poor but i can remember their melody . LOL , miss that moment when sing the song together with my friends even their lyrics not clear . if that time we have video recorder , i think it is sweet memory . I think my first Music Video i ever watched is Linkin Park's Crawling . remember that , we buy this album at night market . that's PIRATES man !!! hahahaha . we don't have money that time , the money from collect RM1 each person of us .

When i was 17 years old , its called back to fitrah as Malaysian . i do not know why i start to listening malay's music . For me , i know why Dato' Siti Nurhaliza have a title "Malaysian's number one" because she have a harmony voice plus with great song . until now , i am still listen CT's music and it is come with full packages by beautiful face and attitude . I am easy to listening malay's music because easy to remember their lyrics and can fell what is composer to convey their lyrics to audiens . Ok ! thats all about my expression of music . see you next time . Thanks for visiting my blog !!! =))

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