Saturday 26 October 2013

Stadium = the great place .

Assalamualaikum , hye hye hye and hye . i hope you all enjoy your life , miss me right ? miss my writing right ? hahahahaha . just joking . Today i don't feel like doing anything , i just wanna lay in my bed . eh ! that is Lazy Song's lyric by Bruno Mars . hahahaha , today i like to sharing my experience as a die hard fans of football . I believed that when someone become a fan of football , he is fall into watching match of football at stadium . Stadium is like HOME for one team of football . every team need to have own stadium .

I am die hard fan of Terengganu's team .  To watching and give my support to my team is my necessity . It's become my hobby . If i am at Terengganu , i must go to stadium if my team have a match . For me , that is way to show my support and how much i very appreciate on that team . maybe some people will said that watching on television much better because they have replay and no crowded . Actually , that feeling most important . Indeed , watching at stadium need you to spend some cost but satisfication cannot buy with your money .