Wednesday 30 October 2013

Mat Luthfi ..... A famous amos Vlogger .....

Assalamualaikum ... today i would like to talk about Mat Luthfi . I believed that most of you knew him . Who is that Mat Luthfi ? honestly i am not know him in details . but Mat Luthfi is a Vlogger . A famous Vlogger . no 1 in Malaysia . Vlogger ? another question to answer ... hehehehe . Vlogger is someone using video to give information or his/her idea .  He was graduated from Curtin University , Perth , Australia .

Someone said that his has many followers because his face like k-pop . For me , his appearance not important , but i am salute with his idea . Every video he made come with moral value and motivation . I think he can be great director . He deserve to get my RESPECT !

When talk about moral value , sometimes his video make us like sarcasm . but in content of polite . He is 'PAK LAWAK' . why i said like that ? because each video Mat Luthfi will insert element of joke . makes me not boring to watching his video for second or third time . He also good actor because he can bring any character . He can be girl , father , mother , oldman . Even he futher his study at oversea but he still using his mother tongue is Kedah's accent . Mat Luthfi , keep it up bro ! Don't Stop make great and motivate videos . ok ! thanks reading my blog .


Sunday 27 October 2013

Runningman Daebak !!!!


To all my readers and followers ...hihi...
Today , i spent my time to updates my awesome blog . awesome right ??? LOL ...
and my another hobby is watching variety show ... if i ask this question , i believed that everyone can answer .... hahahaha .. the popular korean variety show RUNNING MAN .... who ever watched this Running Man ? raise your hand ... hehehehe ...even i have watched previous episode , i'm not weary to watch again . serious best and funny !!! ... do you know , it can be good treatment for release your tension . try watch this variety show . i'm very sure you will obsessed after that . Sometimes it's like crazy man because laugh yourself . It's can be more funny if you watching with your sibling or friends .

okey ! lets me tell you about Running Man , a variety show at South Korea . Every week , they have different games to play and will have different guest has been invited like SNSD , BIG BANG and PARK JI SUNG . Until now , they have 150++ episodes . seriously funny and creative . Even some people will assumed that their game like childish game but it's still need more stamina to complete their task . Honestly , korean have their manners . Running Man's members are Kim Jong Kook , HaHa , Gary , Jaesuk , Sukjin , Gwangsoo and JiHyo . Every members have their own character . That's makes more interesting to watching if you know their character . If you watching Running Man it is not means you obsess to K-POP . dont judge someone like that ok . I'm sure you will falling in love and addicted to Running Man . Ok thanks reader for reading . Hew Hew Hew (^_^) .

Surfing Internet ..... a part of my life ....

Assalamualaikum . this time i want to straight to the point , my next hobby is surfing internet . Today , who did not know about internet sorry to say its likes outdated because 80% of the system using internet . Yes ! i agreed that internet can conneting people . I also can get more information and knowledge from internet . No doubt , internet have bad effects but every single thing in this world have good and bad effects . It's depand on you using the internet . In fact , most of system of education using internet now . Honestly , i'm using internet most to my entertainment . if i can give percentage , 30% of them i'm using for education . rest of them i'm using to facebooking , youtube , live streaming of football . I often to visit blog beautifulnara . hahahahaha . it's just for fun and take knowlegde about selebrity .

Besides , from using internet , i using internet as my teacher to solve my problem about laptop such as how to format laptop or get the security to avoid virus . For phone , i'm using mobile data , easy for me to connecting with my friends by using whatsapp , wechat , instagram and twitter . thanks for reading !

Saturday 26 October 2013

Stadium = the great place .

Assalamualaikum , hye hye hye and hye . i hope you all enjoy your life , miss me right ? miss my writing right ? hahahahaha . just joking . Today i don't feel like doing anything , i just wanna lay in my bed . eh ! that is Lazy Song's lyric by Bruno Mars . hahahaha , today i like to sharing my experience as a die hard fans of football . I believed that when someone become a fan of football , he is fall into watching match of football at stadium . Stadium is like HOME for one team of football . every team need to have own stadium .

I am die hard fan of Terengganu's team .  To watching and give my support to my team is my necessity . It's become my hobby . If i am at Terengganu , i must go to stadium if my team have a match . For me , that is way to show my support and how much i very appreciate on that team . maybe some people will said that watching on television much better because they have replay and no crowded . Actually , that feeling most important . Indeed , watching at stadium need you to spend some cost but satisfication cannot buy with your money .

Music and me . oh so sweet .

In this entry , i'm going to telling you about MUSIC . What is meaning of music ? i think this is a subjective question . everybody has their own answer . for me , music is a medium to release my tension and release my boring and my taste in music changes through time . When i was a young , i have exposed with Raihan's music . Alhamdulillah , from that music , i can get knowledge from their lyrics of islamic ways . My dad bought me Raihan's album (PUJI-PUJIAN) . i can bet everybody know about this album because this album very popular and easy to remember their lyrics .

When i enter primary school , my friends exposed me by english's music . honestly , i do not know every single thing what is singer said because my english is poor but i can remember their melody . LOL , miss that moment when sing the song together with my friends even their lyrics not clear . if that time we have video recorder , i think it is sweet memory . I think my first Music Video i ever watched is Linkin Park's Crawling . remember that , we buy this album at night market . that's PIRATES man !!! hahahaha . we don't have money that time , the money from collect RM1 each person of us .

When i was 17 years old , its called back to fitrah as Malaysian . i do not know why i start to listening malay's music . For me , i know why Dato' Siti Nurhaliza have a title "Malaysian's number one" because she have a harmony voice plus with great song . until now , i am still listen CT's music and it is come with full packages by beautiful face and attitude . I am easy to listening malay's music because easy to remember their lyrics and can fell what is composer to convey their lyrics to audiens . Ok ! thats all about my expression of music . see you next time . Thanks for visiting my blog !!! =))

Detective Conan ? Shinichi Kudo ?

Assalamualaikum ...... i'm coming back !! for this entry , i would like to share about how much i'm addicted about Detective Conan . Childish right ? haahahaha . whatever , most important thing from this story line can give me SOMETHING . Guest what ??? it's about motivation . His real name is Shinichi Kudo , one day when he going to solve one case , kudo was beaten unconscious by criminals. After the kudo given a poison that makes him into a small body. he has a beautiful girlfriend. her name is Ran, the daughter of a famous detective Mouri. one of the reasons I love reading comics for Ran in the comic more beautiful than real drama. hahahahahaha!!! . From that incident , kudo had to be conan edogawa and keep his secret to everybody except Professor Agassa .

Shinichi Kudo

Conan Edogawa

Ran Mouri

Either read their comics or watching their's drama on television , it's makes me feeling excited . LOL . Credit to Gosho Aoyama who are created character of Detective Conan . I dont know where Mr Aoyama get the great idea to makes this one . It's makes me my day is wonderful if i read this comic on that day because i feel that i am as conan can solve the hard case with easier . HEHEHEHEHE . (dreaminggggggg)

In fact , to standing infront of my friends during presentation like i got a butterfly in my cute stomach , how come i can be like Detective Conan . hahhahaha . That's all about Detective Conan . Thanks for reading :))

Gosho Aoyama

Friday 25 October 2013

Playing game : Pro Evolution Soccer

This is Pro Evolution Soccer (PES) . I believed that every student especially male's student know about this game at university . I start play this game when i buy my Playstation One using my "duit raya" . hahahahaha . miss that moment !!! . Before this , my challenger is my brother , it is makes easy to win . hahahaha . It's something like real world when i further my study level of diploma , i found many challenger among my friends . i'm just realized that many people playing this game . Besides , it's easy for me to understand their rules because i also addicted about football . believe me, this game will keep you engrossed and did not realize the time passed by so soon. still in memory, I joined my current PES competition for diploma level study. the entry fee is only rm 2. many student participate. I voted my battle with contenders fight. it makes me a chance to win very big .it became interesting for soccer matches can be viewed by the public on the big screen. pounding feeling only I alone know why all my friends wanted me to step to the next level. I got 4th place. Oh yes, Basically the team to lose will get a special gift, its Called 'boooooo'. its just for fun and make friendships become stronger. now when there is free time and nothing to be made ​​(in fact i have assignments very much) .. hehehehehe, I will play this game. ok, thats all for this entry. thanks for visit my blog. =) .


Futsal is my second hobby . lets we talk about futsal first for your knowledge . futsal is basiccally playing soccer indoor . A futsal ball is smaller and heavier than other soccer balls . futsal is played between two teams like football but there have only five members , one of whom is goalkeeper not like football they have eleven players for each teams . futsal requires stamina , strenght , endurance and good control of the ball . It is a very tiring game because it needs the players to move everywhere in the field . Thats is a little bit information about futsal . Usually , friends and me will arrange our futsal during on holiday because we are student of different university , it is not easy to arrange this program . Honestly , from futsal it is makes our friendship getting more better . Futsal ask you and friends to hardworking and helping each others . I start play futsal when i was form 3 at secondary school . As hostel's student , i more exposed about futsal because we do not have choice to get entertainment . For me , happy is more important when play with my friends . I hope i can play futsal untill i retire of play futsal . Last word from me , PLAY FOR FUN !

Thursday 24 October 2013

Collecting Stamps

This is my first hobby , it is collecting stamps . Even for this century , many people easy to send the information or letter via email , but via post are still relevant . I believed that many people takes a collecting stamps are their hobby because it is simple and easy . I start to collect stamps since 3 years ago . My hobby began through the influence of my few classmate who started collecting and exchanging . I am also get the stamps at the envelope when the letter delivered to me . If i looks is a unique stamp , i shall keep on that . From that , i started to collect any stamps either i get from my friends or i buy at post office . My family also support my hobby with give their support and also find awesome and beautiful stamps to give to me . I really appreciate what they have done to me . After that , i decided to  buy one album to put all my stamps in the album . this is one way to show how much i really love and appreciate my stamps . For your information , stamps come out with many design and patterns . I have with me about many stamps of various countries . most of the stamps are of rare variety and my friends who see them are all praise for them . Actually , everyone can makes collecting stamps is their hobby because it is not involved much costs on it but it is depands on that person how to show their interested . From the stamps , we can knew or identified what is culture a country have . For example Malaysia use Bunga Raya on the stamps and it is become a signature of our country to foreigner to identify Malaysia . Hence , i think the collecting stamps need to keep for our next generation in the future . 

Sunday 20 October 2013

This is Me

Assalamualaikum  , my name is Muhammad Fiqri bin Amran . In this blog , i am going to tell you little bit about myself . born on April 29, 1990 . now, i am 23 years old. I have a father who can be a friend . My father's name is Amran bin ali , he was a businessman . my father was born on January 1, 1959 and now he's 54 years old. while my mother a sporting but firm on some points, he now 49 years old , my mother is a massager . I like to tell my problems to my mother because my mother can be consider what i tell to her . it makes me happy to share something with her  . I have a sister who is an assistant accountant in one of company at Terengganu and i have a younger brother who are still studying at Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia ( USIM ) . I received his early education in kindergarten Bukit Kecil . then i  futher my study at Sekolah Kebangsaan Gong Kapas  . After having obtained excellent results in the UPSR , I received an offer to continue studying at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama Sheikh Abdul Malek ( Shams ) . I graduated with a diploma in Islamic banking in Selangor International Islamic University College . now I'm studying at Universiti Technologi Mara ( UiTM ) branch segamat .I'm an easy person to work in groups . in my village , I like to join activities like gotong royong  because for me , i can communicate to all my friends and sharing our experience  , I have the advantage because my parents are chairman at my village's mosque . I thinks that's all for me . 


My Beloved Parents

My sister and Brother .... im gonna be Uncle soon ....

My younger Brother .